Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bad weather, can't detect

The weather here turned extremely cold over the last couple of days. Arctic actually. Cold enough that I'm not about to get out to try to detect. Even if I did I'd have to have a jackhammer to get through the frozen clay ground around here. So, what do you do when you can't detect? Well, I've been posting some at and watching metal detecting videos on youtube. Aside from that I have been researching.
Bad weather can give you an opportunity to research local history in order to find new places to hunt or research an item you have found during a hunt. While you are doing your research on new areas to hunt, go ahead and get permission from the landowner or even go ahead and get permission forms signed, that way when the weather breaks you will be ready to go.
So, until next time...
Get your research done, grab a fresh set of batteries and
Keep your coil to the soil.

1 comment:

  1. Brian,

    Great idea about a permission slip. I noticed it on your other post. It's good to have for both parties. Good job!

